Fuck tha police

November 20, 2007

I think I’ve only used my “Fuck tha police” tag once, so, in an attempt to make quota, I will put up this video of the RCMP killing an unarmed man at the Vancouver airport. You may have seen this already, but there’s no harm in seeing it again.

If you’re the impatient type, fast-forward to the RCMP’s arrival five minutes in. Don’t fast-forward too far, though – if you overshoot by a minute the guy is already dead. To top it all off, the man who shot this video had to sue the police to get the tape back. They said they needed it for their investigation and wouldn’t release it until after the coroner’s inquest (which can take anywhere from a week to a year). Luckily, they caved under threat of a lawsuit. As for those officers, I hope they get charged (or at least fired), and I hope the man’s mother sues the shit out of the RCMP.

Lest anyone think I’m picking too much on the Canadian police, I will link to this story from The Smoking Gun: Arrested For Salting A Police Officer. A McDonald’s employee put too much salt and pepper on a burger, but since management was always bitching about waste she went ahead and served it anyway. It was just her luck that it was a cop who ended up with the overly-peppered-and-salted burger. The guy took a couple bites and then went ahead and arrested her for “Reckless Conduct”. She spent a night in jail and had to post a thousand dollars in bail money.

Finally, I’ll leave off with another video, this time involving the use of pepper spray. A cop went through a Wendy’s drive-through and thought he got short-changed. He went into the restaurant and started making a scene, then approached the teenage girl who served him and accused her of stealing his money. When she refused to be intimidated, he pulled out his pepper spray and let her have a blast, then subsequently arrested her. The kicker is that, as the video clearly shows, the girl had no opportunity to steal his money and the cop never gave her the twenty dollars he thought he did. He was just being another dickhead drunk on his own power.

I don’t know about you, but I sure feel protected and served.